
Bye bye Isla Mujeres

It wasn't easy leaving the turquoise ocean, the hammock, guacamole, lunch from Manana, the incredible view and wonderful heat. But a new adventure was upon us and we were excited to meet up with my brother! So, we took our bags and rolled them down the streets through Isla Mujeres, getting one last glimps of it.

Dressed for traveling and having a few kilos to drag it was hot and tiring. And when we got to the ferry with only a few seconds to spare we ran the last way, only to be told that we bought tickets to another company. Sigh... But we only had to wait ten min. For 10 pesos less we got to ride a much smaller boat. Sort of like a fishing boat rather than a ferry. Worked perfectly! 30 min of beautiful ocean.

Bye bye Isla Mujeres...

But first a little more about our time on the island:

We went back to Playa Norte for some photos, it's really beautiful there!

There were some nice people staying at the hotel. We were all there to relax and soak up the beauty and the sun. One day some younger people invaded the place, and the rest of us sort of vanished for the day. But luckily they left. And we could all crawl back out and get back to our places. Our place was at the beach...

We talked to a couple from the states. Minneapolis, MN. They were really nice and when they left one day before us they came to say goodbye and leave us with a couple beers and sunlotion. So sweet. Also got their email address to stay in touch. So i'll send them some photos I think. Their favorite place was in the shade by the pool with a kindle in their hands.

Two guys asked me one morning for help to connect the internet. They had an ipad. Of course I helped. Well I just updated the page and it worked, but shh pretend I did something incredibly advanced. They thanked us by taking a photo of me and J with my camera. Unfortunately it was at breakfast time, one of the first days. So i'm both pale and tired. Oh well...it was sweet of them. And just so you'll get the picture of what characters we're talking about, think about Stig-Helmer and Ole. Great people! :)

The last few days we spent on the beach reading. Finally had some energy to open a book and start a playlist on Spotify. So nice! We tried a few more restaurants but were very disappointed with the food. The highlights were the burgers and baguettes from Manana (which is also a bookshop - cool) and the pizza slice from a place I don't know the name of. Yummy, but maybe not so mexican. But it was the best we could find. Oh and I bought a hammock! Yay!

So now the only thing left to mention is that we saw the coolest iguanas! Up close! A few behind a fence...whew! But some of them just in front of us... I would've been scared if it wasn't for my will to get a good photo. Photos wins over fear! That's just the way it is... ;)

Besides that we saw some cool birds. At least for me it was cool to see a pelican! Enjoy the wildlife of Isla Mujeres. Because now we leave for Mexico City!

More photos here, I will add more to this set so keep checking in. Oh and from now on i'm going to write in english. At least for a while...

Over and out!

(video coming)

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