
Guanajuato - part 1

We live in the white house
with the blue window frames
Leaving Mexico City was quite an adventure itself. There were more security than on an airport. I was checked 4 times. I must look very suspicious! But finally we got on the bus with some snacks that were included. The seats would fold back almost all the way down and we all were half asleep most of the time. After a four and a half hour comfortable bus ride from MC, and a 30 min taxi ride we finally arrived in Guanajuato! The goal with this trip!

It was nice to drive through the city by night and see all the houses lit up. And the last part of the ride we went up, up, up! If the cars have trouble getting up you can imagine how steep it is... But up we came and wow what a view! I didn't want to go inside, I just wanted to enjoy what I saw. Yes, it's a bit of a challenge to get here, but it's worth it!

The house and the hill
The next day we went down the hill with my brother and had burgers for breakfast. Yum! Then we bought some groceries and started our climb up the hill. I have to say it went well. But yeah we were tired. So tired that we had to say in bed for a few days.

I don't want to blame the hills, I rather blame the filthy town we just visited. It was a few intense days and the air wasn't very clean. We came from the heat to some very cold nights. So the combination is probably what did it.

We've been fighting a cold ever since we left Sweden. So I guess it was inevitable. It's never fun to be sick on your vacation, but having the view we have and some nice cats to cuddle with, I guess it could be worse ;) And I did go outside one afternoon to feel the heat from the sun and to take some photos. So much to look at just outside the door...

Yesterday (sunday) we made it to our first meeting at Kingdom Hall here in Guanajuato. Such a lovely congregation, and they all came up to talk to us and welcome us! A young brother from the congregation had his very first talk. He did such a good job and it was very warm and uplifting. It was nice to be at an english meeting and it was actually easy to follow. What I really enjoyed was to sing our songs in english! Too bad my throat was sore, but I did my best... The congregation was a mix of people from around the world. Mostly from America, Mexico but also from London and Sweden. I'm sure there's more nationalities that I don't know about. Many of the brothers and sisters have moved here to fill a need. The Kingdom Hall is shared by four groups - spanish, english, sign language, and an indian tribe language (can't remember the name). We went home tired but happy!

Welcome to Guanajuato
The group
After some rest we finally made it DOWNTOWN! We've heard so many good things about this town, the congregation and the atmosphere here. And well, they were right! We took the 30-40 min walk and it was nice to both see the  city and to get a little exercise. Not sure how much I got because of all the stops I did to take pictures though ;) We could've had more clothes on because it gets chilly at night, but we found some restaurants with heaters. We (Rob, X, Jess, Joey, me and J) had a lovely time joking around, taking pictures, listening to the street musicians and the noise from all the people. We had some dinner at a place with lousy service - not going back. But they can't all be good. And we ended the night getting a drink at another place, just outside this very cool building that is sort of the centre of this city. It's so cool at night when it's lit up. I love it!!

We ended the night pretty early since we're not recovered from our cold. We took a taxi home for 40 pesos. That's 20 kronor. Split between 3 persons. Yeah, pretty cheap! And we didn't have to walk up that hill...

The funny thing is that they all have trouble finding this house. They always drive around a bit lost. It happened again. This guy knew the way to the area called de La Bufa, which is the big mountain behind our house. But still, he went the wrong way and we (my brother) had to correct him. The good thing about it was that we got to see even more of the breathtaking view!

Not bad for 7 kronor each!
The view from the house - Guanajuato by night
Over and out!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Guanajuato verkar vara väldigt vacker och på natten liknar den en galax. Underbart att se dina fina bilder!!! annemi